Chenwei Wang  |  Matongmar 

University College London|  Situated Practice

Sept. 2021 - Dece. 2022(Master of Arts)

China Acedemy of Arts | Environmental and Architectural Design
Sept. 2016 - June. 2020  (Bachelor of Arts)

Where I am standing




I do not use concepts, I work with open-ended play, mistakes, and risks. I aspire to create humour and surprise. I start with my interests. I want to discover my work; playing and editing continuously until I realize what I am doing. In my creation, I do not start with a huge ambition or pursue grand narratives. Instead, I explore a subtle and evocative sense of ambiguity.

My main concern is how the mundane could become significant. I focus on the imagination of materials and have a passion for retrieving overlooked spaces, places and objects. I want to transform the way we perceive them and to reveal moments of meaning in daily life. I use instructions instead of using concepts in my work.

My creative field revolves around performance, narrative space, film, collage and site-specific art.

Instagram:  matongmar