Garden of juxtaposition  |  2022

灰修士基督教堂位于伦敦市新城门街和爱德华国王街的拐角处,圣保罗大教堂位于它的南教堂,它起源于一所弗朗·西坎修道院的修道院教堂,“灰修士”这个名字来自于过去修道院僧侣穿灰色衣服的习俗(Kingsford 1915)。第一座教堂建于13世纪中期,但不久就被一座更大的建筑所取代。毁于1666年的伦敦大火。它由克里斯托弗·雷恩(Christopher Wren)重建,他还负责伦敦市其他大约50座教堂的重建。在第二次世界大战的闪电战中,教堂的主要部分被广泛破坏,只有塔楼和外墙幸免于灾(约1868年)。1973年,由于道路扩建的需要,大部分外墙被拆除。教堂的原址于2001年重建,在东侧有一堵一米高的矮墙标志着缺失的部分。教堂的主体现在是一个公共花园,塔楼是一个现代的私人住宅。

Christ Church Greyfriars locates at the corner of Newgate Street and King Edward Street in the city of London, and St. Paul's Cathedral is on its south church had its origins in the conventual church of a Franciscan monastery, the name "Greyfriars" comes from the custom of the monks in the monasteries of the past to wear grey clothes. The first church was built in the mid-thirteenth century, but it was replaced by a larger building soon afterwards. Destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. It was rebuilt by Christopher Wren, who was also responsible for the reconstruction of some fifty other churches in the city of London. During the Blitz of World War II, the main part of the church was extensively destroyed, only the tower and the outer wall was spared. In 1973, most of the facade was removed due to the need of road expansion. The footprint of the church was rebuilt in 2001, with a low wall one metre high on the east side marking the missing section. The main body of the church now is a public garden, and the tower is a modern private residence.


1. 教堂的内部曾经是人们祈祷的地方,现在变成了外部的花园。

2. 塔楼曾经作为宗教的象征,现在变成了私人住宅。这座塔



In the “The Poetics of Space”, the phenomenological approach is applied by Bachelard to architecture, not focusing on origins and history, but on the phenomenal nature of the site, the vivid experience of the moment and the natural context (Bachelard et al. 2014). The interesting point about this church is the phenomenon. It is about reversal.

1. The inside of the church was used to be the place for people to pray became an outside garden.

2. The tower was used to be the symbol of religion in the city now became a private residence. The tower was above everything in medieval period. It stood in the city and served as orientation. Now it has lost its symbolicand everything is above it. The tower became a flag. It merely represents where it used to be.
3. The altar was used to be the most scared part of the church is covered by pavement where pedestrians could easily pass by.

This kind of reverse game is a great strategy that I recognized form the site. This strategy is decontextualized the context. Bringing the space, place or objects into another situation.

Overlapping Sacredness  |  2022